We did explain in a previous post about how to assemble the ROCK PI 4 together with the big heat-sink and M.2 extension board.
We did start to add spacer rings to the M.2 extension set from today, after finding out that some boards have been bent too much when assembling them to the heat sink.
Below you find some pictures on how to assemble and prevent the board from bending and probably getting damaged:
The spacers are now part of the packaging of the M.2 Extension board
Turn the board upside down and insert the M.2 Adapter board
Put the spacers on top
Place the heat-sink on top and carefully turn the copper bolts until there is a connection to the heatsink - do not fix the bolts yet
Turn the board carefully around and add the other two copper bolts and turn all of them until there is a solid connection between the board and the heat sink
Have a look and make sure the ROCK PI is not bent and positioned parallel to the heat sink.